
Can You See What Is Happening to Us ?

People are learning fast today how not to be themselves. Everything is rehearsed till it comes out as a fine-tuned package. I believe the word they used for it then is packaging. Today, it seems they call it branding.I had a taste of it in one of the radio interviews during my days as a musician. It was a recorded program and everything I had to say was edited out of context to make it politically correct. I had a glimpse into the unreal, character-less personality build-up that must have become rampant by today. I wanted out !

People rarely say the truth anymore today. Very few say what they mean to say. What a farse !

I'd been thinking on a matter for long now. It unsettles me when I am confronted with the image of it.

The tug-of-war between banks in Nigeria has become daunting, perplexing, taking away peace; especially to one who is in the profession. Everywhere you turn you see banks lined up on a street, most times next door to one another ; poaching and being poached from. When they come at you they assume you have never had a bank before. They want you to keep all your money with them for no reasonable fudiciary gain to you. Though there may be a better way to place your money for gain, they would not tell you if it is not in their interest ! They basically assume one does not have money sense.

Their proliferation and encroaching presence in every city and township is threatening and intimidating. One wonders if banking is all there is about our economy, because they have become too visible, overbearing and imposing nowadays !


There Is Room Enough for All ( in the World )

I saw something Tuesday, 9th September which really impressed me. I was at Atakobo at Ogbere junction - an outskirt location in Ogun state hosting the nearest quary companies to Lagos State of Nigeria.
I decided to have a look around the place called Ogbere. The place looked like a lost town. Set in the midst of the thick rain forest, the only feeder road is weathered and begging for repairs; just like all the inter-state and intra-state link roads I drove on getting there from Lagos. 'N E P A' men on a ladder reaching for their cables in the forest was the first sign I got of life existing in the place as I approached the location. You'd notice that am playing safe in not using town or village or hamlet in describing Ogbere because I did not know which it is.
After about five minutes cautiously approaching, I entered what looked like the center of the place. Scanty houses lined-up both roadsides. There is a small general hospital, a this and a that. And as I drove along I noticed I was obvious to the inhabitants of the place. I suddenly remembered the tales of the many armed robberies on the only bank in the place. So, my self-preservation instinct made me drive into the police station as I came to it. An officer met me on the grounds and I immediately introduced myself and my reason for being there. And that seemed real smart because he told me of a reported robbery at a nearby village to which his DPO and men had gone see.
There is only one bank there at Oghere. First Bank Nigeria Plc. The bank is usually found where many others would not go. It is clear that it is not out of business sense, but out of caring. None of the other banks currently competing with the bank for prominence are found in commercially unviable places. First Bank usually would have been there, sensitizing the people, creating the banking culture, building their businesses and their lives. Then, when the foundation has been laid, the others unashamedly, with funfare come in to cash-in on the labours of First Bank Nigeria plc. Suddenly, they would have a solution to the peoples' needs which they would bandy about that the bank does not have. And in the heat of the onslaught of their propaganda, the people would forget their first love. The bank which stood by them through rain and sun, the bank who placed them on the map!
This behaviour is un-african. Disloyalty, the forgetting of the good done us is a strange phenomenon in Africa. We used to always remember who our friends are. This un-african practice is even ruling the corporate landscape of Nigeria - the discrediting of pioneers and experience. It is like being unfaithful to the wife of one's youth. Such one will not prosper, the scriptures say. The philosophy now seems to be that the pioneers, the experienced, the old should pack-up and leave. This probably informs the un-ending attempts at branding and re-branding, trying to shake-off stereotyped images.
But you know, one is who one is. Anyone ashamed of his history is not fit to be. There is room enough for all in the world. The new should not run-aground the old because they are eager to make a good showing! I value my aged parents. I would not live to see them in a home for the old. It is not african. It is not human. We should remember that we are first and foremost human beings, not animals.


Dear Whitney, I Expect You To Come Back !

A few days ago I saw Madonna on television. She had turned fifty and she was on tour trying to break her own record. By the way, she still looks smashing at fifty, and natural too !
Madonna made me recall some web photos I saw of Whitney a few years back. It made me weep, Whitney's troubles I mean.
And I wondered what made the difference !? Aside from lifestyle and the ability to keep standing. Some cynics might add : one is white , the other is black; supposing that white people
know how to take care of themselves better than black. Could this be true ? Sadly, many black celebrities tend to end up that way. I concede, I may not have all the facts. However, away from generalizing, I feel Whitney was a kid who hit the good life and took charge prematurely. Bobby said it was his prerogative! He too was a kid ! You all know how they are today. The adults around them failed them. One needs to learn to rule money, or it will rule and ruin one. The kids got carried away, and the adults with them.
Dear Whitney, if you can find the cohesion to read this, I want you to know that I expect you to come back . The story must not end as it is now. Inside every person is the ability to survive if only they want to.You must want to survive. You are older and wiser now, you must come back. The world and I await your revival. And when you do, search me out, I want a seat front row to watch you glow again, glowing this time from inside out !!!


Yaro Starak, Thanks A Lot !

In my inaugural post headed 'intro' I spoke about the many solicitations for subscription to work-at-home businesses. They interested me greatly. But every time I tried to subscribe the merchants rejected my debit mastercard for inability to verify it due to my location. So, it seemed I was stuck, only able to read of all the opportunities on the web, but never to to take part in them. Until, Yaro Starak sent me his report ' The Blog profits Blueprint' with the training video- free. He did not even ask for money, in the first place. None of the other merchants agreed to let me use their product without payment since my location posed a challenge to my participation. Don't you all agree that Yaro Starak is a great guy? Thanks to him I am posting blogs on my own blogsite now. more of the web superstars should be like him, rather than offering money -back-guarantees that do not hold any water. Yaro Starak, thanks a lot ! May God bless you the more.

Money Has wings

I probably will not be speaking to the rich here, because you would not be rich if you did not know what I am about to say. Unless, of course, you got rich accidentally! In which case, you should be greatly worried for you would be living in a fool's paradise. I'll hazard a guess that most of us have painfully discovered that money has wings, in deed. You set your eyes on it for a minute, and the next, it flies away! Those who don't yet know this will find out soon enough. Soon enough! But, money stays if handled properly. Well, I feel, you need some place to accumulate your money into before appropriating it. I hesitate to use the word spend as it connotes basic consumption. Let me rather say, use! Using money, sending it on errands; making money work for you to bring in some more of its kind, is more like what I have in mind. Now, some people will never have anything to do with banks if they had their ways. And I ask, when you become rich, where are you going to keep all that money? Under your pillow? First step, go open an account with a bank. Then start dropping your coins into it, and watch it accumulate into tangible amount that you can use.



I have heard the term 'power poster'. You should not think I am one! Truth is, this is all new, but interesting. And I'll keep working at it. All over the net there is a barrage of proposals to make money. Making money is good. It means it is business. I want to be part of this, so help me all.Thanks.